package captcha import ( "" "" "" "" "image" "image/color" "image/draw" "math" ) type Captcha struct { frontColors []color.Color bkgColors []color.Color disturlvl DisturLevel fonts []*truetype.Font size image.Point } type StrType int const ( NUM StrType = iota // 数字 LOWER // 小写字母 UPPER // 大写字母 ALL // 全部 CLEAR // 去除部分易混淆的字符 ) type DisturLevel int const ( NORMAL DisturLevel = 4 MEDIUM DisturLevel = 8 HIGH DisturLevel = 16 ) func New() *Captcha { c := &Captcha{ disturlvl: NORMAL, size: image.Point{X: 82, Y: 32}, } c.frontColors = []color.Color{color.Black} c.bkgColors = []color.Color{color.White} return c } // AddFont 添加一个字体 func (c *Captcha) AddFont(path string) { fontdata := files.Get(path) if len(fontdata) == 0 { return } c.AddFontBytes(fontdata) } // AddFontBytes allows to load font from slice of bytes, for example, load the font packed by func (c *Captcha) AddFontBytes(contents []byte) error { font, err := freetype.ParseFont(contents) if err != nil { return err } c.fonts = append(c.fonts, font) return nil } // SetFont 设置字体 可以设置多个 func (c *Captcha) SetFont(paths ...string) { for _, v := range paths { c.AddFont(v) } } func (c *Captcha) SetDisturbance(d DisturLevel) { if d > 0 { c.disturlvl = d } } func (c *Captcha) SetFrontColor(colors ...color.Color) { if len(colors) > 0 { c.frontColors = c.frontColors[:0] for _, v := range colors { c.frontColors = append(c.frontColors, v) } } } func (c *Captcha) SetBkgColor(colors ...color.Color) { if len(colors) > 0 { c.bkgColors = c.bkgColors[:0] for _, v := range colors { c.bkgColors = append(c.bkgColors, v) } } } func (c *Captcha) SetSize(w, h int) { if w < 48 { w = 48 } if h < 20 { h = 20 } c.size = image.Point{X: w, Y: h} } func (c *Captcha) randFont() *truetype.Font { return c.fonts[rand.Intn(len(c.fonts))] } // 绘制背景 func (c *Captcha) drawBkg(img *Image) { // 填充主背景色 bgcolorindex := rand.Intn(len(c.bkgColors)) bkg := image.NewUniform(c.bkgColors[bgcolorindex]) img.FillBkg(bkg) } // 绘制噪点 func (c *Captcha) drawNoises(img *Image) { // 待绘制图片的尺寸 size := img.Bounds().Size() dlen := int(c.disturlvl) // 绘制干扰斑点 for i := 0; i < dlen; i++ { x := rand.Intn(size.X) y := rand.Intn(size.Y) r := rand.Intn(size.Y/20) + 1 colorindex := rand.Intn(len(c.frontColors)) img.DrawCircle(x, y, r, i%4 != 0, c.frontColors[colorindex]) } // 绘制干扰线 for i := 0; i < dlen; i++ { x := rand.Intn(size.X) y := rand.Intn(size.Y) o := int(math.Pow(-1, float64(i))) w := rand.Intn(size.Y) * o h := rand.Intn(size.Y/10) * o colorindex := rand.Intn(len(c.frontColors)) img.DrawLine(x, y, x+w, y+h, c.frontColors[colorindex]) colorindex++ } } // 绘制文字 func (c *Captcha) drawString(img *Image, str string) { if c.fonts == nil { panic("没有设置任何字体") } tmp := NewImage(c.size.X, c.size.Y) // 文字大小为图片高度的 0.6 fsize := int(float64(c.size.Y) * 0.6) // 用于生成随机角度 // 文字之间的距离 // 左右各留文字的1/4大小为内部边距 padding := fsize / 4 gap := (c.size.X - padding*2) / (len(str)) // 逐个绘制文字到图片上 for i, char := range str { // 创建单个文字图片 // 以文字为尺寸创建正方形的图形 str := NewImage(fsize, fsize) // str.FillBkg(image.NewUniform(color.Black)) // 随机取一个前景色 colorindex := rand.Intn(len(c.frontColors)) // 随机取一个字体 font := c.randFont() str.DrawString(font, c.frontColors[colorindex], string(char), float64(fsize)) // 转换角度后的文字图形 rs := str.Rotate(float64(rand.Intn(40) - 20)) // 计算文字位置 s := rs.Bounds().Size() left := i*gap + padding top := (c.size.Y - s.Y) / 2 // 绘制到图片上 draw.Draw(tmp, image.Rect(left, top, left+s.X, top+s.Y), rs, image.ZP, draw.Over) } if c.size.Y >= 48 { // 高度大于48添加波纹 小于48波纹影响用户识别 tmp.distortTo(float64(fsize)/10, 200.0) } draw.Draw(img, tmp.Bounds(), tmp, image.ZP, draw.Over) } // Create 生成一个验证码图片 func (c *Captcha) Create(num int, t StrType) (*Image, string) { if num <= 0 { num = 4 } dst := NewImage(c.size.X, c.size.Y) // tmp := NewImage(c.size.X, c.size.Y) c.drawBkg(dst) c.drawNoises(dst) str := string(c.randStr(num, int(t))) c.drawString(dst, str) // c.drawString(tmp, str) return dst, str } func (c *Captcha) CreateCustom(str string) *Image { if len(str) == 0 { str = "unkown" } dst := NewImage(c.size.X, c.size.Y) c.drawBkg(dst) c.drawNoises(dst) c.drawString(dst, str) return dst } var fontKinds = [][]int{[]int{10, 48}, []int{26, 97}, []int{26, 65}} var letters = []byte("34578acdefghjkmnpqstwxyABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSVWXY") // 生成随机字符串 // size 个数 kind 模式 func (c *Captcha) randStr(size int, kind int) []byte { ikind, result := kind, make([]byte, size) isAll := kind > 2 || kind < 0 for i := 0; i < size; i++ { if isAll { ikind = rand.Intn(3) } scope, base := fontKinds[ikind][0], fontKinds[ikind][1] result[i] = uint8(base + rand.Intn(scope)) // 不易混淆字符模式:重新生成字符 if kind == 4 { result[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))] } } return result }